Fall Flyer for Tamara Lund D.C.

Meeting Tamara has been a huge step getting my business off the ground. She is exactly what I look for as an ideal client. The passion evident in her work supporting the health of mothers and babies exemplifies the same dedicated spirit I want to uplift and support with my own work.

I met Tamara one morning after suffering from muscle spasms in my neck and back on the way home from taking my dog out. I had never experienced anything as excruciating.. and that’s coming from a woman who just gave birth 7 months ago!

I didn’t even shop around, I called the first ad for someone who’s Google Map account didn’t list as closed. She saw me right away and OH MY WOW. I almost feared that someone might make the pain worse, you know, you never really think of someone snapping you back together when you are in SUCH pain.. but she did!

Within a few hours the pain had gone from a 15 to a 3 or 4. I went from being completely lost, how am I going to fix this?! to wow, that’s why the world needs chiropractors and people like Ms. Tamara Lund.


Reclaim Your Life: Discover How to Safely Transition Off Psychiatric Medications with Proven Natural Solutions!