One Simple Health Hack You Can Do at Home that I Know You’re Still Avoiding

“Let’s start by asking the question many people ask, which is, “Are Ice Baths Dangerous?” 

The first time I heard someone ask this, I genuinely felt like it was an easy out.  While of course no one thinks to themselves, “doing an Ice Bath is fun!”, from my own experience I knew the benefits so greatly outweighed the slight inconvenience of the few minutes of shocking my nervous system into shape.  However, if you have serious health conditions, such as high blood pressure, cardiac conditions, stiff or tight muscles, it is advised to consult a health professional.  The good news is, despite any current condition you may have, it doesn’t have to keep you from the various ways you can benefit from cold immersion therapy.  This post will cover the benefits of an ice water plunge for your nervous system, as well as other ways you can still reap the rewards of cold immersion therapy without having to start full throttle with an ice plunge.  Let’s dive in!  

Reduced Stress, Improved Immunity, Better Sleep 

How the heck does the body’s exposure to cold affect my nervous system…(beneficially)?  Many of us take the role our nervous system plays for granted.  Our brain alone is firing 100s of billions of neural signals a second.  Your nervous system receives communication from the body and in turn controls motor function, cognitive function, emotional regulation, as well as key vital functions such as breathing and digestion.  When your nervous system is functioning optimally, one can experience greater emotional regulation and resilience to stress, a clear mind and greater recall, as well as increased pain free movement and better sleep.  

“A dense concentration of cold receptors in the skin detects ..change, leading to a surge of electrical impulses from peripheral nerve endings to the brain.  This intense stimulation activates various neural pathways, initiating a cascade of chemical responses designed to help the body manage and adapt to the stressor.” (Shetty, 2024)   

Plunging our body into an ice bath, or exposing our body and skin to the cold, sends a signal to our nervous system, both activating it and stimulating it to adapt to the stress.  The mind, in response to the stimulation, releases endorphins.  Endorphins are actually peptides (small proteins) and provide a whole host of healing properties to the mind and body to quickly counter depression, stress and pain.  Once you experience the benefits of cold water therapy and how quickly you can experience relief from these everyday issues you will wish you had started sooner.  

And, as we head into the fall and winter, Cold Water Immersion (CWI) is a clear go to for  anyone looking for a natural way to boost their immune system.  CWI can stimulate white blood cell production, help the lymphatic system contract, in turn detoxifying the body and strengthening the immune system, as well as increasing certain immune system cells and proteins within the blood.  Chances are, if you look at when you get sick, you are likely stressed out.  CWI can help with that too!  CWI stimulates the vagus nerve, in turn allowing you to regulate cortisol, raise your tolerance to stress, and over time learn to delay the release of stress chemicals in the body.  Amazing!  

And now because I know you won’t let me off the hook if I don’t talk about getting better sleep, just listen to what one individual has to say after practicing CWI two to four times a week for four months.  Despite starting CWI for completely different reasons, she states she was “pleasantly surprised to find that the exposure to the cold has helped (her) get some of the best sleep of (her) life.”  

“You’re activating and releasing a lot more of those parasympathetic hormones that cause your body to be calm, in the moment, and relaxed,” explained (Dr. Bryan) Call. “It’s prepping yourself for a much deeper sleep into the night” stated her Chiropractic Doctor.  (deBara, 2023)

Cold water plunging can skyrocket our norepinephrine, we’re talking 300% to 500% increased production.  This neurotransmitter not only reduces stress, but increases focus and energy, while soothing pain and promoting a positive mood.  All of this sets the stage for a better night’s rest.  

Okay, that sounds great but how cold are we talking about here? 

Many people are buying ice bath tubs, or ice bath chiller machines, but you can simply head to your local liquor store and buy some ice to try it out for yourself at home and see if CWI therapy is right for you.  Professionals in the field suggest starting between 50 to 59 degrees, wearing comfortable loose fitted clothing, and stepping in slowly, for no longer than 10 minutes at a time.  If you begin to shiver uncontrollably or notice a change in color, it is advised to get out immediately.  

For those whose health is compromised, or for those of you who feel like stepping into ice is more like stepping off the edge of a cliff, there are ways to take baby steps and experience some small wins for yourself and your nervous system.  One of the easiest is during a shower, either at the end, finishing with as cold of water as you can tolerate, or toggling between warm and cold sessions during your shower.  Also, walking in brisk air, either in the early morning or in the evening or at night, can mimic the effect of CWI therapy by exposing certain parts of the skin, such as your face, to the cold.  

Maybe you’ve tried all the Health Hacks but end up back at square one

Don’t be discouraged if you feel like you’re going in circles with all these health hack trends, but still facing certain issues.  The cause could be deeper and need to be addressed by a professional.  Your nervous system could have minor, or even major kinks in it, which are called subluxations (parts of your spine could be out of place), and no amount of ice baths or Cold Immersion Therapy can restore your nervous system to optimal health if this is the case (I know, I’m sorry).  How many people do you know who struggle with one or more of the following issues

  • Chronic Headaches 

  • Aches and Pains in the body or limited capacity for certain movement

  • Digestive Issues 

  • Fatigue

  • Mood Changes 

  • Sleep Disruptions

  • Tingling or Numbness in the extremities

If you have a longstanding, or even recent history of a certain health “condition”, you may be shocked to learn that Chiropractors address these everyday common issues so many of us are told to just accept as part of our life now.  A routine scan of your nervous system can reveal where there are stressors and how your glands, organs, muscles and energy level are affected.  It is a useful diagnostic and gives a trained professional a starting place to address any issues you may be struggling with.  

A Chiropractor who administers gentle adjustments can turn any skeptic to a true believer.  Chiropractors, by nature, agree in the body’s innate ability to heal.  Gentle chiropractic adjustments correct the functioning of the nervous system, and in this way, allow for the mind and body to communicate most optimally and respond appropriately to stimulus.  Some chiropractors continue their education with advanced post graduate training to become more specialized in their practice and therefore offer complimentary, as well as more targeted treatments.  

Tamara Lund, D.C., who recently relocated to Chico (Butte County) has pursued post graduate education to master her career as a Chiropractic Doctor and offer families a Holistic approach to healing and a healthier life.  She is a board certified Chiropractic Functional Neurologist, is Webster Certified and Sacro Occipital Technique Certified, as well as is part of the International Chiropractic Pediatrics Association (ICPA).  She loves to work with mothers and babies (of all ages!).  She has rounded out her practice to be an asset to the whole family.  

There is no question that by integrating Cold Water Immersion therapy into your life you can launch your day to day experience and health to the next level.  But if you have minor to serious subluxations you’re working with, you might feel discouraged that you’re not making the progress with your health that you should be.  Letting serious issues with your nervous system go unresolved can leave you wondering what is hindering your ability to make progress and experience a greater quality of life.  It can also lead to other, more serious problems.  With a professional like Tarama Lund, you are in good hands and likely just about to break the ice and break through what’s been holding you back.  If you have any question about what is possible with a chiropractor to restore your nervous system and restore your mind and body connection, it’s time to find out; our bodies are designed to, and do heal when they get the support they need.  


Shetty, M. (2024, May 22). Jumping into the ice bath trend: Mental health benefits of cold water immersion. Stanford Center on Longevity.

 deBara, D. (2023). Cold therapy and sleep: How it works and benefits. Saatva.


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